Day 8 - Manyana, Manyana

Friday, Day 8 - Oh how short lived those feelings of awesome are!  What on earth was I thinking?

Barcelona: August: two young kids who seem to currently be existing on bread, cheese and ham (although obviously not any cheese and ham that is used for food making in Europe): millions of tourists: 30 deg heat: and Mummy on the first day of her period: - not the best combination in the world and a combo that snowballed into the day from hell for all of us!

We left the apartment at 8:30am in order to get to Sagrada Familia before the hoards only to realise we should have booked online a month ago to get in, carried on wandering around, spent 90 Euros on one of those open top buses to have a more easy journey around the city and get to the Joan Miro gallery, then got lost, couldn’t find a place for lunch, everyone started shouting at each other, the ginger nut had the mother of all tantrums and we all nearly threw our toys out, then Big La La refused to eat a very simple cheese toasty and I totally hit the wall of my tolerance.  Art solved and diffused all crazy feelings as always, and the kids spent half an hour drawing and colouring and creating while I had a big cup of tea, and we all took a big breath out.  Bus back home and half an hour of sitting and taking in the sights of Barcelona and then finally back.  It was the kind of day only a family film (Beauty and the Beast), and a TV dinner can solve!  Sausages and pasta for the kids and the finest salami, manchego and chilled, red Lumbrusco that Lidl offers for us.  A bottle later and I felt much better, but there was zero chance of doing any exercise now!  Sometimes you just got to give in and save it for tomorrow - manyana, manyana I believe they say here!!